Monday, January 28, 2013

A 200-year-old book and a current web series that make me squee

Pride and Prejudice was published January 28, 1813 and the world has been reading it non-stop ever since. It's one of the few books I have re-read multiple times.

To mark the day, let me point you (once again) to my latest obsession: The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. This is a web series which follows a modern-day Lizzie through the (slightly altered) events of P&P. If you want to jump in from the beginning, you can find a handy playlist here (and don't forget Lydia's videos here - of course, Lydia being Lydia stopped adding videos to her playlist some time ago, so you have to just poke around and try to watch them in order).

If you'd like to dig further into the goings-on of the story (many of the characters have their own Twitter, Tumblr & Facebook pages), check out the webpage, which will lay it all out for you (including Lydia's vids in the proper order, folded into the bigger story). The story is set to wrap up in March (after which I plan to go back and re-watch and re-read everything to catch the cues & clues I missed the first time). It's interesting to know more-or-less where the story is going , but to have no idea exactly how this version is going to pull it all off, plus there's the added fun of watching the characters interact outside the videos (for me, this is mostly on Twitter).

Have you been watching? If you haven't, do you think you'll give it a try? What's your favorite adaptation of Pride and Prejudice? (I think this one's up there, but it's not complete yet, so I'll withhold full judgement until it is. I think so far, it has my all-time-favorite Georgiana and possibly the most adorable Mr. Collins ever. Yes, adorable.)