Monday, September 19, 2011

Talk like a pirate, walk like a pirate...rap like a pirate?

I heard these guys for the first time on this week's NSFW (which isn't really "Not Suitable for Work" except that you might get in trouble for laughing too hard).

Friday, September 16, 2011

Awww, isn't that sweet...wait...what?

When I look at photographer Trey Ratcliff's blog, I usually skip to the photo at the bottom, then go back up and read the stuff at the top which explains the photo, thus my initial reaction to this photo was "Ooooh, that's just the most perfect old French cottage!"

Click through for full size

Then I read the photo description. Of course it's "the most perfect old French cottage," that's what it was painstakingly designed to be: It's part of the “Hameau de la Reine," Marie Antoinette's own sort of Disney-fied version of a French hamlet. I'd heard of it, but had never seen a picture before.

Anyway, it's still a nice photo, so here ya go.

Tiny House in France

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Ghostbusters is coming back to theaters

I'm actually kind of excited about this. It's not a reboot, and as far as I know it's not having 3D added, it's THE MOVIE in all its unadulterated unaltered-ness (yes, I'm looking at you, George Lucas). WooHoo! (So maybe "kind of excited" is an understatement. Sosueme.)