Wednesday, March 30, 2011

And I thought I was hearing things...

Emergency Sirens Triggered Accidentally - Omaha News Story - KETV Omaha: "OMAHA, Neb. -- Douglas County officials said emergency sirens heard over the noon hour Wednesday were set off accidentally."

CNN knows who to contact about missing cobras :)

So you've probably heard the Bronx Zoo is missing a cobra, unless you're living under a rock (and if you are, have you seen the cobra anywhere under there?)

CNN wanted more information on just how dangerous this cobra is, so they called the same person I would call: my second cousin Terry Phillip, Curator of Reptiles at Reptile Gardens in Rapid City, SD.

How to catch an escaped cobra:

More of Terry's comments here: Reptile Gardens expert weighs in on snake fiasco for CNN.

And if you'd like more from the Bronx Zoo's Cobra, check out its twitter feed. :)

Tearing down the Kline Center at Chadron State College

I spent many many many hours in this building, working on the college newspaper. There are some great memories in there. It's a little sad to see it go.

Live Camera image from Chadron State College

via KOTA - WeatherBug

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The view from my window tonight

A few days ago, we had 70-degree weather along with with hail and tornadoes (which, thankfully, missed us). But winter apparently isn't quite done with us yet...


Saturday, March 19, 2011


A chuckle for you at the end of the day:

Facebook Photos Help to Incriminate Bigamist: "A word of caution to any would-be bigamists who may be reading this: If you’re posting photos of your second wedding to Facebook, you might want to make sure your first wife can’t see them."

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Could you have said no to this face?


Neither could we, so we brought Quinn home from the Nebraska Humane Society six years ago yesterday (Yes, yesterday. We never can remember an anniversary until the day after *sigh*). 

He's slowly turning into a bit of a grumpy old man but he's as much of a cuddle monster (and bed hog) as he ever was.

A Nebraska version of beef & cabbage for St. Pat's :)

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

A Nebraska version of beef & cabbage :)

For those of you not familiar with runzas, they're a mix of ground beef & cabbage baked into a bun. They're German-Russian, not Irish, but I did enjoy this one with a Guinness. :)

I should make my own (my mom used to make a ton at once then freeze them), but with a Runza restaurant just a couple blocks away, I never do.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Recently Read: Apple's Role in Japan during the Tohoku Earthquake

Kevin Rose posted a couple emails from a friend of his who works in an Apple store in Tokyo. Whatever else I may think of Apple, I think it's awesome that they stepped up in such a way for their customers and employees in such a hard time.

Kevin Rose - blogg - Apple's Role in Japan during the Tohoku Earthquake

The whole thing is a great read, but this part especially impressed me:
"You know how in disaster movies, people on the street gather around electronic shops that have TVs in the display windows so they can stay informed with what is going on? In this digital age, that's what the Tokyo Apple stores became. Staff brought out surge protectors and extension cords with 10s of iOS device adapters so people could charge their phones & pads and contact their loved ones. Even after we finally had to close 10pm, crowds of people huddled in front of our stores to use the wifi into the night, as it was still the only way to get access to the outside world...Even after we had to close, many of the staff stayed outside the store to fixing iphones and teaching people how to contact family or stay informed via wifi. "

Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Pi Day!

Today is Pi Day! Why not celebrate with pie? :)

Pi pie

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Recently Read: The awesomely terrifyingly amazing power of counting to three

Mom-101: The awesomely terrifyingly amazing power of counting to three: "I love that the mere act of counting to 3 can make my children quake with fear."

Ain't it the truth! Click through for a cute story of "misusing" this superpower.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Celebrate International Women's Day with women writers

I've been in a Nyquil coma for days, so I almost missed noticing today is International Women's Day. The Google Books blog has a great post on Five Female Trailblazers in Literature You May Have Never Heard Of:
"Though it's impossible to compile an exhaustive list, we're highlighting a few individuals who went places no woman, and sometimes no man, had ever gone before in the world of words. These woman made history with their pens, quills and ancient stone tablets...The 100th anniversary of International Women's Day is an apt opportunity for us to look back and celebrate the profound influence of these often unsung female stalwarts. Without the pioneering work of Enheduanna, Hrotsvitha, Lady Muraski, Aphra Behn and Selma Lagerlöf (not to mention: Virginia Woolf, Jane Austen, Margaret Atwood, Toni Morrison, Doris Lessing, Emily Brönte, Charlote Brönte, Willa Cather, Edith Wharton, Pearl S. Buck, Frances Burney, George Eliot, Amy Tan, Eudora Welty, Gloria Steinem, Louisa May Alcott, Agatha Christie, Flannery O'Connor, Emily Dickinson, Anne Frank, Mary Shelley, Sylvia Plath, Alice Walker, Harper Lee, Danielle Steel, J.K. Rowling and many others), who knows where we might be?"

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Work as a game

I got a kick out of this post by Chris Baty, depicting his workday as a series of online "games." I'll have to ponder a bit about the best way to characterize my job in that light. It will have something to do with getting books and articles from across the country (sometimes from around the world - bonus levels?) in the fastest time at the lowest price. Maybe finding an article free online = bonus points? Hmmm....

What would your job be like if it was a game?

The Office of Letters and Light - Playing Online Games at Work