Friday, October 31, 2008

Darn, I never saw a ghost there!

But then, I was usually there when it was full of people...and I was usually more focused on vampires (there were a pair of velvet curtains there that I wanted to steal and make into something like Armand's robe in Interview with a Vampire. Oh, how I used to drool over those curtains. I wonder if they're still there...)

"At great personal risk to himself, brave local photographer John Thompson of T.J.’s Photo and Camera, entered the Eagle Theatre and snapped random shots hoping to catch one of the wandering spirits that haunt the historic Chadron landmark. Who is this specter that wanders the aisles and spooks the help?" -

Someday, I really should do a Haunted Theatre Tour. Anybody want to come with me?

In case you're attacked by zombies today

This is very important information for Halloween.