Monday, June 12, 2006

The Nest by Bart Vargas, UNO Library

The Nest by Bart Vargas, UNO Library
Originally uploaded by mdesive.

I love how sometimes you get a wild hair and end up where you wouldn't normally be and something amazing greets you.

I came across the title of a book at work today & found the UNO library had it. I really felt I needed to go get this book TODAY, and it's on my way home, so I went. When I walked in, this mound of wires, cables, keyboards -- you-name-it -- sat just inside the library. It's apparently a student art project by Bart Vargas called The Nest. It was a little freaky. I think I have a miniature one growing in my garage...

Click on the photo for the larger version and a link to another photo (not mine) with better lighting. I still haven't figured out why my cameraphone made it blue...

Friday, June 09, 2006

Is it in color, or not?

You have to check out this illusion! It's kind of freaky.

Thanks to Katie MacAlister and her "Field Trip Friday" for the link.