Friday, April 28, 2006

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Happy Easter!

Easter Dog1
Originally uploaded by mdesive.

It's the Easter Bunny, er, Doggie...those ears, that's confusing!

Monday, April 10, 2006

As if I needed another reason to watch P&P

FrankenGirl: Film: Pride & Prejudice 2005 (I’m not proud. I’m just misunderstood.): "Watch it for sexy MacFadyen’s portrayal of Mr. Rochester – ooops! I mean, Mr. Darcy!"

:o) I said from the first preview this looked like a Bronte-fied version of Jane jury's still out on whether that's a bad thing.

Yes, I'm caught in the blogosphere tonight when I should be doing other things...

Sad, but probably true...

I hate to say it, but I have to agree with this. I would probably still have read "Harriet Potter," assuming I found a copy, but it would have been one of those little books you read & enjoy, but nobody else you know has ever read. I've had a few of those on my shelf.

FrankenGirl: Harriet Potter vs. Harry Potter: "If she had chosen “Harriet” instead of “Harry,” would the series have changed dramatically? If she had called herself “Joanne” instead of J.K., would she be the richest woman in England? Or would she be working part-time in a bookstore to support her artistic aspirations?"

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Originally uploaded by mdesive.

It's National Library Week! The library where I work did READ posters for everyone who wanted to. Here's mine. Of course, I had to take Jane (not to mention Colin Firth!) for my book.